Welcome to our collection of indoor hanging artificial spider plants. A plant with many names including hen and chickens, ivy, airplane plant, st. bernard’s plant, its unique design lends itself to being an indoor hanging favorite. Heck, we have one in our sunroom that thrives on the direct rays from our sunlight. That being said, when you have a dark spot in your home or you are building a display for a business you can’t always use live plants. And that’s where we come in.
In their natural form, Spider plants require a tremendous amount of watering and care. With paper thin leaves and flowers that require water to drain down to them, they can easily be mis-managed and turn brown and die quickly. So we decided to capture this wonderful tropical in a replica. We’ve crafted our collection to have the same delicate thin leaves and beautiful white floral buds. Our designs can either be purchased with a bare stem designed to be dropped into flower foam or cement, or already potted in a hanging basket that can be pulled out of the box and setup instantly. There is truly no setup involved with this tropical as you can literally shake it out and viola it is ready.
One of my favorite elements of this plant is the variegated leaf style. With dark green ribbons on the outside of each leaf and one light green ribbon casting down the middle it makes the plant pop and have depth that other tropical plants might be lacking. My two favorite uses for this house plant are to put it into a hanging basket from the ceiling and equally as fun use it in a small urn or planter to decorate an entry way or book end a couch. Regardless of your intention, I’m sure you will find it a good home. If you need some help with sizing and placement of your artificial spider plant, give us a ring. We’d be happy to help you with your project questions.