Enjoy a wide selection of rattan planters, bamboo planters, and plastic planters for your home or office! . We carry small 6 inch planters for your table top plants, and we carry very large 30 inch planters designed for indoo foyers and entryways.
There are two things to consider when you are sizing a basket for your home or office. The first thing to consider is what are you putting in it and how big is the plant. A basket that is 7 inches wide will look way too small for a 7 foot plant. Conversely, a 20 inch planter will look way too large for a 20 inch plant. So size does matter. The second thing to consider is how large is the space that you will install your new plant. If you have a very large foyer, you may want to go with an oversize planter and a tall tree or floor plant. That being said, you can use an oversize planter to elevate a shorter tree style you like. One trick to make this look nice is to use hanging plants around the base of the tree, draping over the side of the basket to make the tree look taller and more full. If you have a very small space consider using a rattan planter in the 8 to 12 inch range and slender bamboo tree or floor plant. This will ensure the space doesn't look crowded.
We get this question a lot. Will my plastic pot fit in my planter? On most of our products we will list the size of the plastic pot. The only requirement is that the plastic pot fits inside the planter. It doesn't have to fit perfectly. If you buy a 7 foot tree with a 7 inch plastic pot. You don't want to buy an 8 inch planter, it will look too small. A 12 to 14 inch planter will look proportional. When you recieve your two items, simply pack newspaper or decorative rocks in and around the plastic planter to secure it in you decorative planter. You can top paper off with some inexpensive spanish moss to hide your work.
Our collection of light weight plastic resin planters are designed to wow and will elevate your tree or plant. Our indoor resin planters are designed with stylish lines and colors and will make you smile every time you walk by. We provide zoom-in imagery so you can see the baskets exactly as they would be delivered to you. Choose from rattan, bamboo, plastic, and rope planter baskets. Our planters also are offered in square sizes, round sizes, oval sizes, and as urns. Willow planters can be bought stained or in natural color.