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How To Store Your Artificial Tree and Christmas Ornaments

What You Will Need

  • Tree Storage Bag
  • Plastic Bins
  • Packing Paper
  • Bubble Wrap
  • Packing Tape
  • Cardboard
Christmas Tree Storage Bag

Christmas Tree Storage Bag

Storing Your Christmas Ornaments

When you purchase special keepsake ornaments make it a practice to keep the boxes they came in. You can write the year and the location on the back of the box so you can remind yourself of when you got it every year. Take those special ornaments off your tree first and repackage them in their designated boxes.

Ball ornaments can be tricky to package because they roll around and break easily. There are special plastic bins with ornament trays already in them that you can purchase readily. If you want a cheaper option, buy a pack of those clear plastic cups from the grocery store. Place one ornament in each cup and fill the bottom of a plastic bin with them. When you finish one level add a piece of cardboard (cardboard from the toy packaging works great for this) cut to the size of the bin and rest it on the cups. Keep repeating this process until all your ornaments are stored. This also works for some of those handmade and keepsake ornaments that don’t have their own packaging.

Protect fragile ornaments by wrapping them in bubble wrap and securing the bubble wrap with tape. When you place these in boxes put the heaviest ornaments on the bottom and the lightest, most fragile ornaments on the top of the box. Make sure not to over-fill your bin because you don’t want to push down on the lid and break an ornament. Once the lid is on secure it with packing tape so that it stays secure until next Christmas.


Storing Your Christmas Tree

Now that you have all the ornaments off the tree and safely packed away it is time to tackle the tree itself. If your tree is prelit, start by unplugging each section from one another and unplugging the bottom section from the wall. Starting with the top, take off the sections one at a time and carefully fold down the branches until it is as compact as possible.

Once you have all the sections disassembled and collapsed you can start placing them in a Christmas tree storage bag. Put the largest sections in first and work your way to the smallest. Try to evenly distribute the weight in the bag so that it carries and stores easily.

About Philip Travers