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How to Create a Perfectly Manicured Boxwood Hedge

Almost every home and office has a beautifully manicured hedge as part of the front flower bed. Maintaining that hedge can be a constant struggle. They require meticulous pruning and disease to any one plant can compromise the look of the entire hedge. Create the perfectly manicured boxwood hedge you have always wanted is easy when you start with gorgeous artificial boxwood plants. Creating your own manicured hedge couldn’t be easier and we will show you how.

Boxwood Hedge

Step 1: Measure the Area

Before you order boxwood hedges, you must first decide where you want your hedge to be. Measure the entire length of the area and choose a hedge or series of hedges that will fit within your space. If you find that a combination of hedges is slightly short but adding another hedge would be too long, consider breaking things up by placing an artificial flowering bush on either end of the hedge.

Boxwood Hedge in Container

Step 2: Order Your Artificial Hedges and Plants

Once you have all your measurements, browse this incredible selection of artificial boxwood bushes and hedges to find the plants you need. Once they arrive, you will be ready to get the manicured hedge you have so carefully planned out.

Boxwood Hedge 2

Step 3: Place Your Items

Using your original measurements, place each of the plants that you ordered. Start by laying down a great weed barrier. Next, place your plants, and then finish things up by laying nice, fresh mulch throughout the flower bed.

Double Ball Topiary

Enjoy Your Low Maintenance Hedge

With your hedges in place, you have nothing left to worry about. If you love our boxwood hedges, check out our boxwood topiaries and boxwood balls as well.


About Philip Travers