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Decorating with Artificial Floor Plants

Do you look around your living room or bedroom and notice forgotten spaces that could use a little warming up? Artificial floor plants are the ideal way to fill up the spaces between a sofa and a love seat or dark corners of rooms.

Artificial Areca Plant

Artificial Areca Plant

How to Use Them

Floor plants are a great way to add greenery to virtually any space. They are welcoming when placed in a foyer, a homey addition to a living room, a way to bring the outdoors into a transition space, and the perfect decoration for any sunroom or breakfast nook. They can even be placed in a stark bathroom to liven the place up a bit.



With so many different types of artificial floor plants available, there truly is one for every taste. These plants come in beautiful planters that are in keeping with the shape and the style of the plants that reside within them. Go for something classic such as a 4-foot philodendron, tropical with a Bird of Paradise, or desert chic with a potted cactus. There is a height and a plant for every style of home. Whether you are decorating on a budget or splurging on a beautiful piece that will stay with you for years, there are plants that will fit perfectly within your plans.


Benefits of Artificial Floor Plants

Artificial floor plants are ideal because they do not have the same water and light requirements as natural plants, making them virtually maintenance free. An occasional dusting is all artificial floor plants need to stay looking beautiful year after year. There are both sprays and canned air dusters available that have been specifically designed for the maintenance of artificial plants.

About Philip Travers