Now is just the time to get started with your holiday decorating. Having the right Christmas lights for the job will ensure that your holiday decorating goes smoothly. If you have always wondered what lights to use for every job, here are our tips for which lights to use for each decorating application.
Covering Bushes
If you are looking to blanket your bushes with beautiful twinkling lights, LED nets are by far the best option. The diamond pattern of the netting equally spaces out the light and allows you to easily drape the netting over the whole plant. These netted lights are available in many different light colors.
Lining a Sidewalk
Direct your guests up to your front door in style with the addition of pathway Christmas lights. These light stakes can be inserted into the ground on either side of a pathway. The oversized lights are just the right size and are available in both clear and colored lights.
Lighting a Vase
One of the most beautiful ways to decorate a foyer or a hearth is by filling a tall basket or beautiful vase with a bunch of lighted branches. These branches are available in many different colors and are already covered with beautiful Christmas lights. You can just insert them into the vessel of your choice and run the power cord to the nearest outlet or extension cord.
Illuminating a Christmas Tree
This category may seem easy enough but did you know that standard Christmas lights come on different colored wires and light bases? Green, white, and brown are the most popular and they all serve a specific purpose. Green ones blend in perfectly with a traditional christmas tree while the white strands blend better with flocked trees. Make sure to choose the lights that coordinate with the look of your tree, topiary, or wreath.
Lighting Wreaths & Baskets
Battery operated lights are a must-have for anyone decorating for Christmas. They not only produce a beautiful twinkle but they are powered by a small battery pack. This little battery pack allows you to decorate a space that is not close to an outlet or extension cord, making it the ideal choice for wreaths. They can also be used inside lanterns, baskets, or hurricane glasses.
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