My family and I spent the two days following Christmas in Washington DC this year and as we were on board the bus tour we heard all about the cherry blossom trees and how many different versions of this sweet tree are located in our nation’s capital.
The tidal basin has become quite a destination for everyone from horticulturalists to gardeners because of the showy display of cherry blossom trees that line it. As you look over the beautiful waters of the Potomac, you get to take in the views of 3,750 different cherry blossom trees. These trees aren’t restricted to just the tidal basin, they are also located East Potomac Park and on the site of the Washington Monument.
So how did all these beautiful trees come to reside in Washington DC? They were given to us as a gift of friendship from the Japanese Ambassador back in 1912. That initial shipment included 3.020 trees and the Capital’s collection has continued to grow since then.
If you want to see these trees for yourself, schedule a trip the first week in April, when the blooming season is still at it’s peak. While you are there, be sure to take advantage of the many events that are part of the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival.
If you don’t want to wait until late March or Early April to see such a splendid event take place, bring the beauty of the cherry blossom into your home with one of our stunning artificial cherry blossom trees. We have many different types of trees and flower colors for you to choose from.
About Philip Travers
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