Do you want a lovely and beautiful plant, but one that requires little to no work? Bougainvillea brighten up any area of shade with their stunning and large colorful flowers. Real bougainvillea are known to be in damp and warm places. They can be found in subtropical and tropical areas. The climates where the real plants grow are known to be a couple areas. The plants need to be in well-drained soil where the plant will not be over-watered or dried-out from not having enough water. The plant thrives best when it is in a warm climate. The plant is sensitive to the cold. They will not continue to remain alive if kept in freezing temperatures. There is a big deal of work that goes into the caring for a plant. The plants will need to be kept moist, but not to the point where they are being over-watered. Sometimes you will need touch to the soil to figure out when to water. A big portion of plants will need a good amount of light when placed indoors. This is why an artificial mini bougainvillea topiary is the best solution for you! There is no need of having to worry over how much water to give the plant. The artificial plant does not need water, fertilizer, or a warm climate. This artificial bougainvillea plant has bright realistic flowers that will brighten your space any day. The 5 foot plant looks remarkable inside of a basic black pot. This plant will stay looking incredible all year round. There is no need any repotting your plant. The quality of the plant is made to look like the real life thing. You will want people who will see the plant to believe they are looking at the real thing. You can receive the quality and the shade with the stunning artificial plant. If you are looking for something that does not require a lot of skill or care, the 5 foot artificial mini bougainvillea topiary is something you should be interested in. Your home will thank you for making this artificial plant an extraordinary addition to your space. You will not have any worry about wondering if you have killed your plant. Your guests will admire the artificial mini bougainvillea topiary, stunned that it is not a living plant. The bright colors add a lovely contrast with the green. The small buds attach to beautiful and lively green leaves. The artificial bougainvillea is no exception to when it comes to plants looking spectacular in a hanging basket. The plant has carefree silk leaves and is 5 feet tall. There are so many different options when it comes to artificial mini bougainvillea topiary. Dress up any space with the artificial mini bougainvillea topiary.