This artificial Areca Palm adds a splash of tropical flare to any home or office design. Grown as ornamental garden plants in tropical and subtropical regions, they make excellent additions as potted indoor plants.
Our artificial Areca Palms come pre-planted in bamboo vases that only accentuate the lush greenery and naturally curving leaves that reach out in every direction. The leaves offer a unique style as they curve upward in multiple leaflet stems, creating a butterfly look which gave the Areca Palm its nickname – the Butterfly Palm. Additional beauty is offered from this Ficus as it produces small yellow flowers in the summer.
Areca Palms require attention for it to fully thrive, but our artificial plants don’t require any attention. Typically they must be placed in bright, indirect sunlight and must be watered often enough to keep the soil moist during the spring and summer; however, you want to let the soil dry between watering during the winter and autumn season.
For a longer lifespan, Areca Palms need to be replanted every three years to replace the old soil with fresh fertilizer to supply nutrients to your palm. Areca Palms are also trimmable without causing harm, allowing fully matured plants to stay indoors for a lifespan of up to ten years. Our plants require only occasional dusting and can have no lifespan.
Planted in a beautiful bamboo vase, our artificial Areca Palms are a perfect gift for new homeowners or new members in the office area. The vibrant colors bring a sense of relaxation to any environment as this Madagascar native thrives.
Bring home your own artificial Areca Palm with bamboo vase today to bring a sense of tropical paradise to your space or to give as a gift to a friend or coworker.